
Neha (Quit Smoking Skype Hypnosis)

Good morning Marco!
I hope you’re having the best day in NY!
I just wanted to let you know I got that job at the branch that I have been wanting for years but have always been scared to take up.

I said yes to the Branch Manager who has really big plans for me.

I just need you to know I’m still working on my review because the series of events that have come after our first session are HUGE and so important to me I must add them.

I’m still a non smoker and I must say (as vain as this may sound) I feel sexy, fresh, healthy and what I wanted most CALM!

I’ve already tested myself around smokers and I must say AMAZING! I have to move though if the
smoke is directly in my face.

I am so in love with this journey!!!


John (Cocaine Habit Phone Session)

Hi Marco,

I just want to say thanks for yesterday. I couldn’t have been happy with the session and results so far. I was a little skeptical at first as to whether I would feel any different from one session.

Just to let you know I feel energized and on a different level, even 24 hours later. Its like I have reconnected with the old me. Hopefully I can sustain it. But I have never felt this good before.

Last night and early this morning I though about Coke…not from a craving perspective but as a test to see what my appetite or thoughts and feeling for it would be like. I actually have no feeling for it and if I continue to think/picture having any in any type of social or personal setting I actually feel sick and quite negative against it.

I have also notice my inner energy and wellbeing is on another level and I’m channeling thoughts and energy into my current work load which I easily ripped through yesterday afternoon and night. Its an unbelievable feeling. Something has clicked inside me.

I’ll fall short of saying its an epiphany however its definitely life changing as I feel I’m in control now. I know there is still more session to go and I’ll ensure I do my daily meditations to embed the changes.

So looking forward to the next session and once again thank you……….

Anne (Weight Loss Skype Hypnosis)


Evening Marco

Thank you so much for the session last Saturday. You asked me for an update and here it is.

  • Immediately after our session I waited to “feel” hungry before I ate and when I did, I actually felt full very quickly.
  • the following day I had a lunch appointment at a restaurant. I didn’t feel hungry until late morning when I had a piece of fruit and ate a healthy and small lunch.
  • during the following days I travelled which threw my routine out a bit. One of my daughters turned 25 and we had a large family gathering which also threw my routine out.
  • today is the first day since that I can call “routine”, however, overall I am finding that I only eat when I am hungry, eat healthy (except a piece of birthday cake) and eat smaller portions.

With regard to my emotional responses to fluctuating behaviour of my husband, I am finding that as I am calmer, I don’t react as much as hold my breath to calm myself.

This has been a great week and although I don’t feel like I have lost weight, I do feel more in control of my emotions and therefore less inclined to look for food as a reaction.  I am also finding that I only have a glass of wine at night with my husband to socialise rather than as a reaction to emotion.

I would like to continue with two more sessions as I feel this would imbed longer term behaviour.  I am now spending two weeks at our farm which is great for my routine as I work physically as well.  I will certainly have a clearer picture of change in behaviour over the next week.


Renee (Weight Loss Skype Hypnosis)


Hi Marco….how are you?

So I’ll give you a quick run down what has been happening the last 2 days!

1st day I was kicking ass couldn’t believe how I was thinking about things before I put them in my mouth.

2nd day I struggled I had a massive headache all day but I’m thinking that was my body having withdrawals from sugar haven’t had any not even in my coffee.

2day I feel great sitting here eating a salad for lunch.

I feel it has changed my thinking when it has come to what I’m eating I would like to go ahead with the other sessions if that’s ok? What are your thoughts?


Frances (Self Esteem Skype Hypnosis)


Hi Marco,
I have posted on facebook under Frances Picone (my maiden name) and Frances Lipscombe on the gmail account.

Thanks for your help Marco. The relief has been enormous and I am quite excited about my new positive attitude toward both the relationship failure but more importantly life in general. Darn! I should have said that in my reviews!!

Take care

Anitha (Skype Hypnosis Anxiety Alleviation)


Hi Marco

Thank you for that session 2 days back. I have been actually feeling a good difference. 🙂 And thats a big deal for me considering my struggle.

Marco…This is as elaborate as I can get. It would be great if you could let me know what it is that you can help me with. 🙂 Once again, thanks a million for your session last Friday. That really brought about a big change in me. 🙂

Mukesh (Confidence Skype Hypnosis)

Hi Marco,

Guess what…today morning 8.30 I had the interview and I just received a call saying I got the job 😀 I can’t thank you enough. You have been great help! Looking forward to our meeting next week. 🙂


Corine (Quit Smoking Skype Hypnosis)


Hi Marco,

Really good actually, might sound silly but I feel like a new woman! So yes still a non smoker 😊 Thank you so so much!!!

Warmest Regards

Jamie (Insomnia Skype Hypnosis)


Hi Marco

Yes, so far so good. Thank you for your help. I’ve slept most nights – just one night was restless but no midnight snacks horray. The audio clip was great too. I may just wait another fortnight to check it’s in the clear – but for now thank you, it’s been a huge relief and you’ve really helped me.

Also I mentioned you to my dad and best friend – my dad wants to quit smoking and my best friend has chronic pain (tmj and neuralgia). So I’ll send them your way.

Thanks and have a great weekend

Josh (Quitting Addiction Skype Hypnosis)


I walked past club x and kept going. It felt amazing, so I did it three more times! Feels better to walk past it now than it ever did to go in there! Unreal! The real test will be later this evening and I’m ready for it 🙂

Michael (Quit Smoking Skype Hypnosis)


Hey Marco,

I came to you in January to quit smoking and you have changed my life, I still haven’t started smoking which is something I thought I would never give up. Thank you.

I’m emailing you in regards to something different. I was wondering if you do any kind of work in “mind set” things like anxiety?

Kind Regards

Andrea (Weight Loss Skype Hypnosis)


Hi Marco,

Thank you for our session last week. I have found a significant shift in my approach to food/eating – amazing. I didn’t receive your email you spoke about, are you able to send it through to me?

Rebecca (Quit Smoking Skype Hypnosis)


Hi Marco,

I am doing well haven’t  had a cigarette. I do find myself through habit, stopping and thinking of a cigarette not wanting one, them something goes off in my head and the thought passes. It hasn’t been a struggle just a weird feeling.

This morning, did my usual made my coffee went outside sat and had my coffee without a cigarette. It wasn’t a struggle. Thank you so much for your help.


Hi Marco.

Still going strong. Have not wanted a cigarette. I have given your details to another 2 work colleagues who need your help. I honestly thought the day would never come! You have changed my life for the better so I thank you for that.

Clay (Self Esteem Skype Hypnosis)


Hey Marco,

I haven’t forgotten about you mate, just haven’t gotten romantic, I noticed some huge gains I confidence and self esteem, especially the few days following our appointment. I’ll keep you posted an keep smiling.

Thanks again

David (Deep Trance Phenomena)


Session 1

Thank you for an amazing experience, Marco. I feel energized and highly focused from echoes of your voice and the effect of looking into your eyes. Wish it were less than eight days until the next session.


Session 2

Hi Marco.

I awakened incredibly energized and refreshed.  I had very intense dreams of a childhood experience that I’ll share with you. Thank you again for everything that I sense is beginning to happen.



Session 3

Hi Marco.

I love receiving messages from you. I can hear your voice in my head and I think of how compelling it is to look into your eyes. I can’t remember really what happened in the first trance,, but truly enjoy having your post-hypnotic suggestions guide me. Hoping that your suggestions continue to grow in power and number over time. They are like flashes of lost childhood memories.



Session 4


I had an amazing experience at the last session: amnesia and time compression, and a very strong urge to experience further trances from you. Our mutual need to keep this professionally appropriate is a core value. That being said, I truly am starting to feel your influence in my life and hope that this becomes more profound on multiple levels. I welcome and encourage you to assume an appropriate yet more authoritative influence in my life. I trust you to define the terms of that influence, and hope you are willing to follow this path. My ability to succeed in my life and career would be vastly enhanced if I eliminated certain distractions by virtue of your influence and control.

Most sincerely,


Session 5

Thanks Marco. Your influence is always positive and growing stronger in my mind every day.

You’re so very deep in my head now. Thinking how good it feels when you trance me. Seems to be a deeper connection every day. Every word from you feels wonderful. Like hearing your voice in my head. Sleep well.

Goce (Cannabis Habit)


Hey Marco how you going?

These emails are great I’m glad you’re still sending them out! And I love the new logo too. Hope all is well.

I just wanted to share that I’ve stopped smoking weed for about 2 months now and things are looking up with my mental health again, I’ve found a real reason and purpose to quit even though my situation hasn’t changed.

Keep up the great work with the emails, I still read them all and they all mean a lot to me.

Thanks again!

Jordan (Gambling)


Hey Marco,

I’m going really well, it’s been 245 days since I put a bet on anything at all which I’m really stoked about, Thanks for your help and support.

It would be an honour to be added to the new email list as I really like reading the stories and information you send.


Goce (Coaching)


I want to say thank you for helping me change my life. I’ve experienced more change in the last month than ever before. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.

Annette (Habit)


Hi Marco, I haven’t touched a coca cola since our session.

Thank you so much.


Bernie (Confidence)


Pleasantly surprised by whole experience. Can see potential for other areas in my life.

Rebecca (Smoking)


Hi Marco,

Sorry for the delay been a bit manic. I just tried to write you a review but unfortunately my gmail is my work email and when I try it says I don’t have permission and need to contact administration so doesn’t look like I will be able to leave one so I wanted to just say thank you again. I haven’t wanted a cigarette since, I honestly thought the day would never come! You have changed my life for the better so I thank you for that.

Kind Regards,

Ajsa (Anxiety + Procrastination) 


I saw Marco initially for procrastination and within the first session he somehow managed to completely peel back my thought process down to the root of other issues causing me stress, anxiety as well as giving me insight & clarity into issues of low self esteem. I was unsure of what to expect initially and I was pleasantly surprised by my experience. The environment Marco creates feels safe,calm, professional & fun actually! I quickly felt heavy, calm & at peace whilst listening to Marco’s delicate tones… and I can really only describe it as trippy! Over my three sessions we covered a lot of ground, with him sending me audio’s & relevant reading material & Marco always without hesitating answered all my questions, showing empathy & kindness along the way.. thank you 🙂
I would be extremely happy to recommend Melbourne Cognitive Hypnotherapy by Marco to anyone; it has made me feel calm, centred, focused & generally positive in dealing with anything that comes my way.. Cheers Marco, thank you & all the very best! Ajsa 🙂

Jonathan (Self Esteem + Confidence)


Thank you so much for todays session Marco. I don’t know what it is but I feel like my eyes have been opened for the first time. I cant stop smiling kind of like what ever was bringing me down is gone.

I feel like a new man.

Mick (Sexual Confidence)


Hi Marco,

I just wanted to send you a message of congratulations!

My self-confidence has increased dramatically since seeing you – I do not feel any intimidation any more, have no problem dealing with strong personalities, and the improvement of my performance in the bedroom is nothing short of amazing. I will admit I was skeptical at the start, now I cannot thank you enough for transforming my life.

Again, many thanks

Peter (Smoking)


Hi Marco
On 19th of August (2014) a year has passed since I have quite smokes. I wanted to thank you for showing me the path and giving me the tools to do this. I haven’t had one cigarette since then. Thank you again and I hope you are well

Sarah (Smoking)


Marco today it’s been 30 days since my last smoke. I can’t believe it!!!

I was so skeptical and didn’t know if it would really work but it has. Day 2-4 I didn’t know if I would stay on track but Marco made my willpower so much stronger to keep it up.

90% of the time I actually can’t stand the smell of smoke now it’s disgusting. From a pack a day (30) smoker for 14years who was so highly addicted, if I can do this I think anyone can.

Thank you.

Nadine (Smoking)


So far I have experienced sleeping calmly through each night without sleeping pills of any kind a sense of control and confidence through any panic anxiety attacks which have diminished.

My severe mood swings have settled down as these changes simply occurred because I was in a balanced state allowing me to make new more appropriate goals that didn’t involve any further suffering such as becoming a vegetarian.

Am looking forward to quitting smoking program with Marco with supreme confidence as seeing Marco was something I feel good about and it was a good investment.

I would recommend him to anyone.

I will be taking my daughter to see him because he is kind and gentle professional my feelings a profound change has been made to the quality of my daily life the wonderful part is it felt like it just happened all by itself.

Thanks marco

Nick (Anger)


My experience with the program has been very successful, one with great reward.

All my short term goals were met almost immediately, thus encouraging me to set new and more venturous short and long term goals. Goals I believe I can easily achieve with the help of Marco.

Not only has it saved me financially, so easily worth the money I paid, its positive affects on areas of my life are worth more than any amount of money I could imagine.

I would recommend the program to others. I believe that with Marco’s help you can conquer most problems that you may face.

Peggy (Smoking)


Hi Marco

I hope you’re well. I’m so sorry I didn’t get back in touch with you all those weeks ago. After we met, both my grandma and dad deteriorated very quickly. My grandma was in a hospital in Kew (with glioblastoma – a brain cancer) and at the same time my dad was in hospital for three weeks at the Olivia Newton John centre with his lung cancer. So, daily life was about going back and forth to both hospitals.

Sadly, they both passed away. My gran on July 16 and my dad only four days later on July 20th. We’re all shocked. To have two people die so close together and go through two funerals in one week was just horrific.

The good news is, I haven’t had a cigarette for ages. I think I fully stopped around a week after I saw you. It was easy. And coffee too. No cravings for either. Even while spending each day at both hospitals and then with both deaths, I didn’t crave them. So, very happy indeed. At the same time, I also moved onto my herbal parasite cleanse with my naturopath and I look and feel like a new person. Everyone has commented on how bright my eyes are and I feel much more energetic. So, health wise, I’m on the right back. Heading to Thailand with my naturopath in October for his 10 day detox so once all that is over and I feel back to normal I can finally start looking for work again and getting my life back on track.

Thanks for your help Marco.

All the best.

Clio (Anxiety)


Hey Marco,

How are you? Hope this email finds you well.

I was thinking of coming back in and addressing the issue of weight. I’m still working on the anxiety but for now it’s been a light hum instead of a constant battering which has been a relief. The relentless depression has also lifted, which is just …. uh-mazing.

Ive noticed some of the weight associated emails, and although have not read them all in detail, they keep reminding me. I feel as though it’s the right time for me now. I also had a bit of a “oh yeah…. wow, yep i think that’s why i do what i do and react the way i do” moments.

If it is at all possible to organise a time/date and also maybe hash out a couple of ideas via email before coming in. I’d like to be clear and precise in my own self at the start of the process.

Kind Regards

Dale (Anxiety)


Good morning Marco!

Where to begin? Well I have never felt better! Not only have I remained clean since last seeing you, I’m taking on more meditation and focusing and since, my business is growing, my relationship has not only improved but is back on track.

I cannot thank you enough. You’re a great bloke you should be proud of what you do. You took me from the brink of darkness and showed me the light.

Thank you with all my heart.

I would like to touch base with you again at some point when things slow down and I’m better situated. Once again thank you so much. I’ve never felt more alive and well!


Taraka (Confidence)


I went to see Marco about having issues around conversational problems I faced when meeting new people. This was an issue I have had for years. After a few sessions with Marco with his soft touch (and highly effective) approach I can now hold conversations with people for long periods of time. I have even tested this with complete random strangers and it seems highly effective. This is not a quick fix thing but the sessions coupled with the hypnotic mp3s he also provided was highly effective. I have done other hypnosis programs in the past but with little success. I found Marcos method to be highly calming and effective.

Sam (Alcohol)


Hi Marco
I just wanted to let you know that I have been going really well in the week since my first session.
I estimated what I probably would’ve drunk in that week – given the circumstances and social activity to be about 60 drinks. The past week has not been?a ‘normal’ week and I’ve attended two social functions.
I am happy to report that I have consumed 14 drinks in the last week. That’s a reduction of 46 drinks in a week.

More importantly to me has been my mindset. It has NOT been difficult. I have not thought during the day that everything will be alright come 5pm when I can have a drink.

I am amazed, AMAZED, that my mindset is shifting so quickly.

Really looking forward to our next session…

Matt (Premature Ejaculation)


The experience has been great. I always feel comfortable about sharing my problems and trust Marco. As my goal was sexual and involved me not being able to ejaculate when masturbating, and then when it came to sex I ejaculated too quickly. I thought that there was something wrong physically. This really got me down and wrecked part of my relationship. After going to Marco he helped me realise that I was putting too much pressure on myself and not actually just enjoying the act. Counsellors had told me this before and I didn’t believe them. But through the way Marco has talked me through hypnosis and related this to different subjects and it really helped me realise that I had. Now in the bedroom I have more control and my mind isn’t running at a thousand miles an hour showing me how I am going to stuff up. It’s definitely worth the money. I don’t believe that I would be able to get to the point I am now without hypnotherapy.

Edan (Insomnia)


Hi Marco, I’ve listened to a number of hypnosis based sleep aid recordings, most have been helpful to some degree. The issues that I have had with the recordings is that they have not been engaging to listen to and my level of compliance to continue listening to the recordings was low. However I have found your recording “Sleep like a log” very intelligent in it’s approach. It allows the listener the opportunity to reflect on the day in a way that is captivating and insightful. I find the process interesting and therefore focus less on falling asleep and more on enjoying the insight obtained from the recording. Almost, as a side-effect, the brain disengages and falls asleep, akin to reading a good book before falling asleep. That is, the end goal of falling asleep is secondary, and the act of listening to the recording and engaging in the introspection that it stimulates becomes the key focus, and this makes falling asleep a pleasurable activity.

Troy (Insomnia)


The ‘sleep like a log’ program is a very effective method to use for getting to sleep quickly and staying asleep longer. Usually I will fall asleep several minutes after starting the program. It also helps with quieting the mind for a more restful sleep.

Amanda (Stress)


Hi Marco, Just a quick note to say thank you for the hypno session I had a few weeks ago whilst in Melbourne. I have noticed a significant level of calm and went on to spend three weeks with my husband and 3 kids 24/7 and had the best holiday ever, so thank you for your help.

Fiona (Smoking)


Hi Marco, My husband did a session with you for smoking and has had incredible success with it. Thanks!!

Jess (Depression)


Hi Marco, Thanks again for last night. I left feeling very happy and positive.

Noelle (Smoking)


Thank you for your email I an currently sitting outside having a coffee where I usually have my smoke Ti but this time without the smoke this is the longest time frame I have gone without a cigarette so far I am impressed Marco it has been more than 24 hrs now n I haven’t had a cigarette or bad mood swings I still cannot believe it or explain how I’m feeling.

Daryl (Smoking)


Hello Marco, I saw you nearly 4 weeks ago just wanted to say thank you I have not had a smoke since seeing you thanks again.

Julie (Anxiety)


Hi Marco, Sorry but I am going to have to cancel our session this Thursday night. I’m a bit busy with work and life in general coming up to xmas. But on a good note, I’m doing really well and thus why I feel I can leave this until the new year.I hope you have a great xmas and a safe new year and I’ll speak to you in 2013. Thanks!!

Hannah (Habit)


Hi Marco, sorry I didn’t message you earlier. I wanted to check that the motivation thing worked. I think it has. It probably wasn’t as obvious as stopping thumb sucking was but I think it has worked to an extent. I’ve gone to the gym or gone for a jog 4 times since seeing you, so that’s good. And I still haven’t sucked my thumb which is amazing. I’ll see how I go over the next month and depending on how I feel in terms of motivation after bali, I might come back and see you again :) Thank you again so much for what you have done for me. I can’t believe I stopped completely. I’m really grateful.Have a nice night!

Naomi (Smoking + Stress)


Hi, I found my hynotherapy sessions with Marco, very helpful and hugely insightful thankyou. It is the first time I have tried hynotherapy, and since the start of my first session I have found a myself with a greater ability to deal with stress, have stopped smoking, and am feeling alot more calm and in control of the environment around me. Thankyou very much, I will definitely be in contact in the future if and when I seek some more help. All the best!

Gav (Confidence)

Hi there Marco, How you going Mr? Thanks very much for you time last week, very much appreciated, really think that it has helped, even managed to work up the bottle to jump in the resort pool yesterday, though it still took some work up time and very anxious about it while swimming, good start though!!Look forward to trying your recording too and would certainly follow any direction you give.Do you think I should come again?Thanks very much for you excellent help, really do appreciate it! Cheers

Jennifer (Smoking)

Hi Marco.

I survived lol.
Still a non smoker though i have found myself walking out the back where I did smoke and I look at the jar of buts and walk straight back inside. I think for me what was significant about the process was the taking of different roads and i know i have taken the right one for me.
Thanks for your email with all of the information I did read through it briefly and will refer to it as I need.
Thanks Marco

Steve (Self Esteem + Confidence)


Life has been going very well in work and my home life. I have been the most content in my life for a long time. I have got a great balance in life and able to spend a lot more time with my children without the thought of worrying about work. I caught up with Marco for a refresher course which I felt I needed as I was just about to go through a tense and stressful period at work.

My self esteem and confidence around work has been very high since I had my last session about about 8 months. We went through some really good techniques about relaxing and focussing in my conscience state.
Hypnotherapy has been very beneficial for me to address some of the weaknesses and fears I have at work.
Thanks again.

Christine (Gambling)

Hi Marco, Just wanted to thank you for your sessions…If only I had met you years earlier I’d have a much larger savings account… Well a savings account per-say…I wanted to let you know I have not gambled since hypnotherapy…There have been a few times where the thought has crossed my mind but it is easily dismissed without much effort…Thank you once again and keep doing what you’re doing as it makes a difference. Kind regards

Marlene (Smoking)


Hi Marco, how are you?

Its me Marlene. On 20 August 2012 I came in and saw you about my smoking, and I have not had a smoke since!I received this email earlier in the month and I was wondering if I can book in to see you regarding weight loss. I have given up coffee, ciggies and now I need to give up junk food and get my weight to a healthy range!Can you let me know when you are available and please confirm the price and what is involved.
Thanks Marco!

Anish (Smoking)


Hi Marco, How are you today? I just thought I’d get in contact with you to let you know how things are going? Things seem to be going pretty well, I feel far more relaxed, a little more courageous and stepping out of comfort zone a lot more.

Helen (Motivation)


Hi, I couldn’t speak more highly about Marco. He has been generous sending me a couple things that were really relevant to what I was grappling with. After the 2 hypnotherapy sessions I noticed considerable improvement with managing anxiety, around establishing my new business. I thought that Marco may have been defensive about that but not at all. The last session (2nd)I had was using the Conflict Corrector technique which I followed up on at home after Marco sent me an attachment about how to do the technique. It resolved the conflict well and has proven to be powerful in getting me into action without half the hesitation I had before. I have come across a few people who have asked me about hypnotherapy for other things than smoking and I have recommended Melbourne Cognitive Hypnotherapy purely from my results and Marcos’ generosity. Kind Regards

Varuna (Smoking)


Hi Marco, Its been 3+ Months since the last session and i am happy to say that I have QUIT SMOKING. Thanks to you. Regards

Peta (Smoking)


Hi Marco, Sorry for the delay. I have not been checking this email account as often as I should!I had hypno for smoking almost a month ago and I am pleased to report that I have not smoked at all! I am still having the odd craving but nothing that I can’t handle and I honestly believe that I will never smoke again. My family and friends are very impressed and inhale inspired some of them to follow in my steps and give up! Thank you

Marlene (Smoking)


Hi there, how are you? I am going really well thank you. Marco has really helped me kick my smoking addiction.My cravings are really not that bad, and I can work through them quite easily. The strongest craving that I had was 24 hours after my Hypnotherapy. It was a really strong one and hung around for ages, but I got through it. I have been associating with friends that smoke as well and I have been able to deal with it well and I know that it will get to a point that I dont even think of it. I am really really happy with the results of the hypnotherapy.I found the session to be interesting yet really good. I was not sure what to expect, but it wasn’t as “scary” as I thought. I have to admit I did have a little giggle when the actual Hypnotherapy commenced J.The biggest change since seeing you guys is that I am finding it quite easy to kick my habit. I have quit once before (cold turkey) and I tell you , it was really hard, it was like a consistent internal struggle that I was having with myself. This time round, it is just not like that. I am feeling much more calmer and my cravings are not as intense and I know that eventually they will disappear all together. The only problems that I am experiencing at the moment is extreme tiredness and very broken sleep. I know that these are only withdrawal symptoms and I am more that confident that it should pass within a week or so. Thank you soooo much for changing my life for the better!I have recommended you guys to my family and friends, if they need help in changing their lives. Take care

Jane (Weight Loss)


Hi Marco, Wanted to let you know that I reached my Paris target weight two weeks ago i.e 4 weeks ahead of schedule.Now have New Year target. Lots of lovely comments from people. Dropped 2 sizes. 15 kg. Couldn’t have done it without you. Thank you so much. You’ll be hearing from a friend of mine, Lisa.

Christine (Smoking)


Hi Marco its been great thanks still not smoking. Thanks Marco

Danny (Anxiety)


Good to meet you today. I felt today has already been worthwhile. An I have had sense of calm for the rest of the day and a feeling I can beat this.I look forward to receiving the sound files and will see you when I’m back.Cheers

Jenny (Habit)


Hi Marco, I just thought I’ll let you know that I think the session might have worked last night…I tried to eat chocolate and couldn’t eat it, I had to spit it out of my mouth and then brush my teeth! Thanks again & I’ll see you on Friday at 11am :) Kind regards

Bonnie (Smoking)


Hey Marco, Thank you!! It was nice meeting you.

Steve (Smoking)

Hi Marco. All good. No smoking and no cravings since July 27th. Regards

John (Smoking)

Hi just answer your questions. Everything is going fantastic at the moment, I have not had a smoke since coming in for my session. And don’t plan to, everything as in service was great, and so far there are no problems.Hi Marco just touching base with you everything is going great, still smoke free.Regards

Mick (Confidence)


Hello Marco All is going well for me at the moment. I enjoyed the session I had with you. I feel that I have gained out of that. I have not done any public speaking yet but I have a different mind set about the whole situation which is very positive. I hope that you can read this. Regards

Roland (Confidence)


Hi Marco, Pleased to report my interview went well and I secured my first preference- thanks so much for your help!

Caroline (Habit)

Hello Marco, Thanks so much for our appointment yesterday. I’m very happy to report that although I’m thinking of Chocolate a lot I haven’t actually had or required any so far. I have now the attached tools that I will keep to reinforce my mind I will keep you posted on my progression. Many thanks,

Sally (Smoking)

No problems all is good. Thanks Sally

Ebony (Smoking)


Hi Marco, I was told to email you on sunday about how I am going, I am actually doing a lot better then when I called you. I have been listening to your MP3 once daily, which is helping the process. My cravings are very minimal, I can breathe a lot better and my sense of smell has greatly increased. I am very surprised I am able to stand being around brad when he smokes, I thought I would have extreme cravings, when in fact my cravings are a small 2 out of 10, if that. Thank you so much Marco for your help to become a Non-Smoker! I still have a bit to go, but I’m slowly getting there. I can’t imagine I would have been able to quit so easily without your help! Thank you so much!

Alisha (Smoking)


Hi Marco, Thank you from the bottom of my heart. This was a life changing decision and i’m so glad you helped me. I admit, i was slightly skeptical but it totally worked! I cant believe it. Not one craving. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you Xx

John (Smoking)


Hi Marco , John here just letting you know I am feeling great and having no problems . Cheers

Owen (Smoking)


6 month progress.. Hi Marco I was just thinking about you this week actually. I am still a non smoker. Lost 5 kgs and got pretty fit throughout the year. Got a long way to go with the weight loss yet… less drinking would help that but that is a little difficult on Darwin. lol.


Naomi (Smoking + Stress)


I found my hynotherapy sessions with Marco, very helpful and hugely insightful thankyou. It is the first time I have tried hynotherapy, and since the start of my first session I have found a myself with a greater ability to deal with stress, have stopped smoking, and am feeling alot more calm and in control of the environment around me. Thankyou very much, I will definitely be in contact in the future if and when I seek some more help. All the best

Snow (Smoking)


Thank you for your email. After I saw you I had an argument with my boyfriend and smoked after 2 days (you remember? We talked on the phone?). Since then I’m doing very well and your ‘stop smoking re-inforcement’ helps a lot! It’s not only great for non-smoking! It also re-inforces any other motivation and I have no doubts that I can achieve anything I want. I told many friends about the session and they were really surprised how vivid my experience was and I really am too and also very hapy about it. Luckily I’m not experiencing any problems so far and really hope it will stay like that 😉 My smell and taste have improved a lot and my asthma is heaps better too. Everything is better as a non-smoker, and I use only little money. But I think the biggest change I am experiencing is happiness. I am very happy since I stopped smoking and feel great about everything 🙂 Thank you very very much again! I will keep listening to your MP3 as it really makes a big difference to my daily life! Update: Hi Marco Thank you again for your help and support. Reading your email just made me happy again 🙂 I really feel great and strong. I can feel that it will stay like that and hope that my partner will follow. Happy Easter and Thanx again!

Mary (Smoking)


Hi mary here all going good have not smoked. Thank you Marko!!! Wonderful experience! I feel free and happy and will enjoy every second of it!!! Thank you so much Marco! Hi I’m very good i have not smoked thanks to you thank you so much . My life is so much better i feel so good thank you again Marco you’re the Best.

Owen (Smoking)


Hi mate Going well so far. Training really hard and getting fit. Feeling pretty amazing at the moment. Lost my cough etc. So in short… I’m a non smoker and loving it. Work is the surprise and no problem at all. The smell of people who’ve just smoked is motivation enough to stay off them. Lol. Forgotten how rank it is. Thanks heaps.

Anne (Smoking + Alcohol)


Interesting I’ve noticed that I don’t go outside and sit in the bungalow like I used to. My habit in that respect has changed. I do not have the urge or craving to smoke like I did. My alcoholic consumption has decreased. I used to enjoy a drink on the weekends. Now, I don’t seem to drink as much. Please Marco, don’t get me wrong, not that I had an drinking issue, but I would only have perhaps 4 glasses (if that) throughout the entire Saturday or Sunday. It appears that I may have weaned off that as well – no harm!

Lee (Smoking)


I still find it quite strange- but i feel much better and more capable of exercise. My sense of taste and smell has improved. I feel much better without the shame and feeling so silly about paying for something that made me feel awful.

Nash (Smoking)


Hi Marco, It feels good to be a non-smoker and I can spend quality time with my family, especially my son. Session was great. I can now say “NO” to smoking Thanks,


William (Smoking)


Did you send me an email? I haven’t received it as yet. Feeling great & haven’t had any urges so far!

Gavin (Anxiety)


Morning there Marco Well things are going along. Just wanted to let you know I have noticed a difference with my constant in head put downs that I usually do, I don’t seem to be spending any time telling myself how bad I am, so that certainly is a start I guess.

Jane (Weight Loss)


Hi Marco. An update on how things are going: Brilliantly! Cut food intake dramatically. No cravings. Exercising vigorously at least 4 times a week. Gone down a clothes size. People are starting to comment. Thank you so much.

Darren (Weight Loss)


My 3 week programme has been completed At presant I have no gravings and have stopped eating and craving junk food. The experance and sessions have been a delite to go to and I look forward to the comming months to see what I can achive in the near future. Marco has been great and easy to talk too I hope to keep in touch wilth him and keep him updated on my progress and may be in thne near future to have other sessions.

Lewis (Weight Loss)


Dear Marco, I have now been a slimmer fitter healthier person for six weeks. I wanted to tell you that I feel fantastic! I have written or contacted the people I nominated to tell them how great it feels to being this way. Thank you for helping me make such a spectacular change in my life I am seeing improvements everyday and life is great I eliminated the fruit boxes in the morning by not buying them and replaced by bottled water now available at home and work Fruit whenever possible is being purchased and consumed Extra walking is on the agenda and although not daily has increased in frequency. Thank you for your time and I will continue to email you with my progress.

Nadine (Weight Loss)


The weight control program was great! What an amazing support it offered when i wanted to improve my health. I would recommend it to anyone.

Nicole (Sexual)


Hi Marco, this is just a quick note to say thank you. Finally after six long months, on the weekend after a romantic dinner, we were able to have sex again. No feelings of anger or frustration. Just contentment. So thank you once again for making me feel normal again. Ciao.

Amandeep (Stress)


Hi Marco! hw r u? thx for ur gr8 help. Am feeling so gud now,,,:) i talked to my papa last nyt nd like evrytime this time again he asked me that whn m gona go back to c him… and this time i realy wanna go… So i didnt make any excuse… He said he is gona send me my brother’s medical certificate… So i can get school leave for that issue… I’ll b going for 3 weeks… Didn’t book my ticket yet… well!!!!!!!!!!! I’ll do it soon..:) I wud love to have second session… But it is not possible on 10th march… I’ll book it whn ill cum back from india, once again thx a lot… Hope ull c a new girl whn ull c me nxt time…

Joe (Stress)


Hey bro it’s Joel can I just say for some reason today I feel great my heads fresh feels good thanks.

Rachel (Confidence)


Hi, Thanks for your email. I’m still not sure whether hypnotherapy has had an impact on me or not. I think in some ways it has. I feel more confident in social situations and don’t feel like I’ll fall apart in front of my boss and colleagues in social settings. I do however still go bright red under any sort of pressure or stress but I guess I have a better attitude towards it now. I really liked that email on self-esteem. I showed it to my sister and she got something out of it too. Kind regards,

Nicole (Gambling)


Hi Marco, Just wanted to let you know that Jordan appears to be going very well. I can’t quite believe it, a positive and incredible change in so many ways. So, THANK YOU – I only hope he goes from strength to strength. I have a friend interested in weight loss, if you are able to assist, could you let me know the best way to arrange, through you directly or through website. Again, thank you so much, I guess you know how positive you have been for us!

Terry (Smoking)


Doing well Marco Thanks so much.

Aye (Smoking)


So far so good 😉

Derek (Alcohol)


The stop drinking program was very beneficial in terms of changing my thought patterns and help me focus on not touching Alcohol. It has given me more focus to start working towards some of the goals that i was procrastinating about whilst drinking. Absolutely, money well spent, I could have drank that money over a weekend !!! I would love to help others one day and this would be one of my recommendations to another person.

Julien (Smoking)


Good morning Marco, First thank you for your work! So far so good, I haven’t touched a cigarette. I have been following your instructions with the tape once a day, it’s actually really realistic… Anyway thank you. Cheers

Kerry (Anxiety)


Hi Marco how are you? You treated me for anxiety for public speaking two years ago to help me with my job… It worked v well. Thank you v much!! 🙂

Yalcin (Smoking)


I haven’t had a smoke since. I have been coughing up less phlegm and already seeing an improvement financially.

Mem (Smoking)


I feel alright i don’t have cravings or anything. I’ve been playing more with my niece and nephew and my fiancé is supportive. I would recommend this and I have already.

Jordan (Smoking)


Hello, Thanks again for the session yesterday, still feeling fantastic. I’ve written you a review on google. Hope you enjoy your day.

Lisa (Coaching)


Merry Xmas and best of wishes Marco. You’ll  be happy to know I still listen to your recordings and find them very inspiring. Hope to see you in the New Year.

Anish (Confidence)


Definitely look at life through a new lens, and have a very positive outlook. Before I had a lot of negative self talk and limiting beliefs, but now that part of the mind has been quietened down a lot, and I only focus on the positive. Feeling happy! Well, its too soon to tell, as I did the session 3 days ago, but I’m sure my new found confidence will expedite the goal reaching process. After hearing what other friends went through with other therapies and experiences, a session with Marco is worth its weight in gold. You should be hearing from my friend shortly.

Arvin (Smoking)


‘Weird’ but wonderful experience. Very helpful indeed….I don’t feel like smoking at all anymore.

Thanks Marco. I should say it was a very helpful session we had earlier. I will definitely listen to the mp3 everyday as per your advice.

Kind regards

Glenn (Anxiety)


Hello Marco

Thank you once again for a fantastic session.

YES l am feeling the benefits and are feeling great.

Sam (Smoking)


Marco is a very caring person who makes you feel very comfortable. He helps you through out the process if you have not done this before.

Thank you Marco.

Nives (Smoking)


It was amazing 🙂

Still giggling about the impact 🙂 thank you.

Michele (Weight Loss)


The sessions with Marco are fantastic. I feel so good when I leave. He has a great way of helping you sort out your thoughts.

Annie (Stress)


P.s love the island meditation.

Jenny (Smoking)


Great service. So knowledgeable and thorough.

Glenn (Weight Loss)


Felt your session was very comfortable,friendly ,informative and looking forward to move to the next stage.

Stuart (Smoking)


Thanks for today. The session was really good.

Michael (Smoking)


I enjoyed our meeting today Marco — bit too early to give you any further feedback, but looking forward to catching up again 🙂

Neva (Smoking)


Thanks Marco for our session. I am on my way to quitting for good this time! It was a very relaxing and enjoyable experience meeting you; your approach to quitting smoking is one I felt very comfortable with and have found really simple so far.

Thanks again.

Michele (Smoking)


Marco is absolutely fantastic!! Would highly recommend him for anyone wanting to quit smoking. I wish I had’ve done this years ago!

Jay (Confidence)


Hi Marco

A bit of a breakthrough..

I experienced some amazing energy with a cashier at a local fruit shop a little while back, and yesterday she was there and she served me and it was great.

I went back a few minutes after leaving and wrote my number on the docket. I approached her, looked her in the eye and said ‘I’m unsure what your situation is, but I would like you to have my number because I think you’re just gorgeous’ and anyway it turns out she has a boyfriend which was a bit disappointing, however the over-riding emotion was that it didn’t really matter. At least now I know, and I was able to put myself forward. And it was a bit awkward, but I feel good about having done it.


Melissa (Smoking)


Hi Marco,
Just letting you know that I am away with friends and was having a few drinks last night and people were smoking – and I was not tempted to smoke once! It’s great being a non-smoker.
Thank you!

Ozlem (Smoking)


Hello Marco, just wanted to thank you for your time today and wanted to let you know that I’ve had my dinner and really not feeling the urge at all. All I want to do is have a relaxing sleep and wake up and start my new life as a non smoker and work towards my goal.

Thank you again and I’ll keep in touch about potentially providing a services to my clients.
Have a nice night 🙂

Vin (Motivation)


Hi Marco
FYI. went for 20 min walk at lunchtime

Daniela (Smoking)


Hi Marco,
Sorry for the delay in response.
Yes, I’m still a non smoker. So for that I’d like to thank you.

Lisa (Smoking)


Hi Marco
Just wanted to let you know I haven’t picked up a cigarette since I came to see you in December so getting to know you has certainly been life changing and I am so thankful.

Bernie (Smoking)


Hey Marco
1month and going strong thanks mate

Michael (Stress)


Thanks again Marco – an enlightening session. The MP3 is on my phone and I’ll listen every day for 2 weeks. See you in a couple of weeks ?

Peter (Smoking)


Morning Marco,

I still haven’t had a ciggy…!

Robin (Smoking)


Hi Marco,

Thank you again your audio files have been a great help.  Are you able to send the wealth creation audio file too I’m very keen to listen to it as well..

BTW I still am a non smoker!

Jimmy (Smoking)


Hey mate how are you? What are you charging for a 2 hour session? Still haven’t had a smoke?

Sent from my iPhone

Michael (Smoking)


Hi Marco,
• Three freedom letters sent
• Two days down
• One happy non-smoker
• All good my end.
Sincere thanks,

Johnny (Confidence)


Very inspirational emails marco,
keep up the good work my friend.


Lisa (Smoking)


Hi Marco
Just wanted to let you know I haven’t picked up a cigarette since I came to see you in December so getting to know you has certainly been life changing and I am so thankful.

Tony (Smoking)

I would have done this YEARS AGO if I knew it was THIS EASY…

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